Something about 2020

请注意,本文编写于 1360 天前,最后修改于 1360 天前,其中某些信息可能已经过时。

It's been a long but short, tough but meaningful year.
Begin with the horrible COVID-19 in Jan, everyone was in a panic. Nobody knowed how to deal with the situation, the only thing we can do is watching the number rising. Everywhere in China is blocked, nobody on the street. Email by email, phone call by phone call, working late to ensure everybody is safe.
Summer was arrived and the epidemic have been improved. The beaches, Hailing Island and Xiachuan Island gave us lots of fun.
Startting to contact film photography, bought some cameras and lens, like Fujifilm X100f, Nikon FE2.
Failed to got promotion, not sure to pass the MEM test.
Looking forward to 2021, hope I will get a new carreer path. More importantly, wish all my family health.

