The Burning Crusade

请注意,本文编写于 1197 天前,最后修改于 1186 天前,其中某些信息可能已经过时。

Dreaming back to 2007, it was the first time I felt the world of warcraft. During the four years in college, WOW was a big part of my life. Even though I was occupied that time, I never felt regret, because that was my choice. I will make the same choice if I have another chance.
Now, it is here again.

不要在我的墓碑前哭泣, 我不在那里,我没有长眠。 我是凛冽的寒风, 掠过诺森德的雪原。 我是温柔的春雨, 滋润着西部荒野的麦田。
我是清幽的黎明, 弥漫在荆棘谷的林间。 我是雄浑的鼓声, 飞越纳格兰的云端。 我是温暖的群星, 点缀达纳苏斯的夜晚。 我是高歌的飞鸟,

